Saturday, November 3, 2007

how say u? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

u know what i want the answer too? where do some people get off. The finger is mainly pointed at a certain "monority" group of "terrorists", you all know who im talking about.

ok if u done agree with something im all for a bit of protesting here and there and showing ur ass to the pm, but going to the point of getting into military styles with guns and crap? not cool in my books. What right have the got to be putting out lives in danger? looking out for everyone my ass.

And u know what else annoys the fuck out of me? what right have the got to say that this land is theirs? Look back in the history books, they werent here first the mori oris were (sorry if the spelt that wrong), and they ate them.

Thoughts would be appeciated, im expecting a bit of debate on this one.